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A selection of our new products in July

When new products are added to our product portfolio, we have developed special standards that they must meet. In this way, our demand for high quality can be met. One of these standards means...

Algae Oil - the vegan DHA alternative

When I think of the omega-3 supply, especially the supply of DHA, I immediately think of salmon oil. Or even krill oil. But for some time now, algae oil has become more popular. ​But what is DHA...

Green oats

Oats (Avena sativa) are cultivated worldwide as a food and fodder plant. Although the wild form of the cultivated plant was known as early as 5,000 BC in the Near East, it has only been cultivated...

New products in November

All our products comply with strict quality standards, which we carefully monitor. We are constantly working to qualify high-quality products for you. In this article, we present some new products...

New products in the 1st quarter 2024

All our products comply with strict quality standards, which we carefully monitor. We are constantly working to qualify high-quality products for you. In this article, we present some new products...


The onion (Allium cepa) belongs to the lily family and is widespread throughout the world. It is considered one of the oldest cultivated plants of mankind, which has been cultivated for thousands...

Plant extracts from europe

The topic of regionality has accompanied us for several years. Since then, we have been working steadily on aligning and focusing our product portfolio accordingly. Our focus is on geographical...

Vitamin B6 Pyridoxine HCl 98-100.5% P.

Quality: food

0.00 €

It is no secret that vitamins are extremely important for the organism of every living being. A vitamin deficiency can have far-reaching consequences for health in the long term. Two of the...

Vitamins and nutrients

Vitamins and nutrients are important building blocks in the human body. What the different vitamins can do in the body and how high the daily requirement is, we have summarized for you below....
