
The Mushroom of Immortality

​Reishi - the mushroom of immortality - is one of the most important so-called "medicinal mushrooms" in traditional Chinese medicine, where it is also known as Ling Zhi. The scientific name is Ganoderma lucidum. It is not an edible mushroom because it is hard and difficult to process, and is traditionally used purely for its effects.

It is said that in ancient China, Reishi was reserved only for the emperor and his family. Reishi has been known in China, Japan and Korea for thousands of years and stands for health, longevity and well-being. 

The fungus grows mainly on dead trees and is often cultivated in Japan.

What makes Reishi so special?

In general, no other medicinal mushroom has been as "researched" as the Reishi. Over 1000 studies are said to have already been published on this mushroom.. 

Reishi contains many polysaccharides that stabilize the immune system. And if the immune system is stable, pathogens such as viruses have less of a chance. Polysaccharides are also said to be able to regulate blood sugar levels, act as antioxidants and alleviate cancer.​ 

The triterpenes in Reishi protect the mushroom itself from bacterial attack and are also said to be able to better protect humans and animals when the mushroom is ingested. Triterpenes are said to be helpful in cases of cancer, liver disease, malaria and even HIV. 

​Due to immune stabilization and histamine reduction, Reishi can also have a positive effect on allergies. 

Reishi is the "mushroom of immortality", "mushroom of longevity" and "mushroom of eternal life". Reishi is said to not only prolong life but also the quality of life (body and mind). 

Powder or Extract?

There is some debate about which is better. An extract is more concentrated and individual substances can be concentrated (beta-glucans, polysaccharides). This means that less needs to be taken than if you were using the pure powder. 

We can offer you some products. Please compare the data sheets and contact us to request a quote. 

Our Reishi Products


For legal reasons, we would like to point out that some of the above statements require further research and studies to scientifically prove them. Therefore, not all statements can currently be accepted by conventional medicine.

Freeze-drying vs. Spray-drying
What is better?