Topic: Stress and sleep disorders

How nature can support us

Stress is one of the many reasons for sleep disorders. Whether at work or at home... when our minds are racing, we often find it difficult to fall asleep or sleep through the night. 

However, sleep is extremely important for us, as this is the phase in which our body recovers. If we don't get enough sleep, we are no longer able to perform at our best, not only physically but also mentally. This in turn can affect our professional and private lives. For a short time, our body can compensate for the situation. But a long-term lack of sleep can also be detrimental to our health. 

Sleep disorders can of course also have physical causes (e.g. snoring, breathing problems, thyroid problems) or be caused by the environment in general (room temperature, noise, too bright, etc.). However, if it is stress-related, we can help ourselves a little.

​What helps with stress-related sleep disorders?

On the one hand, it can help to limit the consumption of sugar, alcohol and caffeinated drinks in the evening. Heavy meals in the evening can also prevent you from falling asleep. 

Furthermore, daily sport or outdoor exercise can boost the sleep hormone in the evening. Yoga and meditation can also have a supportive effect. 

However, stressful situations at work or in our private lives are not always so easy to change. Difficult situations and problems keep us busy and trigger the ​Sympathetic nervous system and makes it difficult for us to calm down. 

Herbal support

But taking certain plants can also reduce our stress levels somewhat. Here are a few examples:

  • Valerian root - the ingredients can have a sleep-promoting and calming effect. Caution: the exact opposite occurs in cats. ;-)
  • Common hops - the flowers of common hops (Humulus lupulus) are not only used for brewing beer, but can also have a calming effect. Incidentally, hops belong to the hemp family.
  • Passionflower - Passiflora incarnata is said to have an influence on GABA-Rezeptors , which is why it is said to be able to alleviate anxiety and stress reactions. The plant also produces fruit, but in this respect it is not as important as the better-known Passiflora edulis
  • Lemon balm - The leaves of lemon balm are not only used as a spice, but can also help with nervous stress and insomnia. In 1988, it was even voted medicinal plant of the year.
  • Lavender - Lavender is said to have a calming effect on the mind, not just against moths.

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