Rhodiola rosea

Endangered species on the CITES list - Update

About a year ago we informed you in this Blog entry on roseroot, or Rhodiola rosea, and all other species of the Rhodiola spp. genus. This plant was placed on the CITES List in the beginning of 2023 and has been considered an endangered plant species ever since. Trade in this product is only permitted with a CITES certificate..

​Rhodiola is not directly threatened from extinction, but the Washington Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species has severely restricted trade in order to prevent the extinction of rhodiola. As Rhodiola requires certain conditions to grow and usually comes from wild collections, the plant needs some time to regrow.

Why we currently do not offer Rhodiola Rosea 

Currently, most Rhodiola Rosea raw materials come from Siberia (i.e. China or Russia). 

We have recently received information from several of our suppliers in China, independently of each other, that no CITES certificates are currently being issued by Chinese authorities. There apparently was a major case of fraud in the country regarding Rhodiola Rosea, which is why export with a CITES certificate is currently not possible. 

The product itself is still available. However, we have decided to not sell Rhodiola Rosea without a valid CITES certificate. As long as our suppliers cannot obtain this certificate, we will not be able to offer Rhodiola spp. to our customers.


Rhodiola Rosea is said to have many positive characteristics. Many of these characteristics can also be taken over by other, less endangered and sometimes more local plants and fungi.

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Your Chem2Market GmbH - Team

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