Novel Food

Novel Food Regulations for Supplements in the EU

Introducing innovative nutritional supplements in the European Union can be challenging due to strict regulations. This is especially true when it comes to novel foods.

Compliance is essential for manufacturers who want to ensure responsible innovation. Understanding the intricacies of these regulations is crucial to navigating the complex landscape of the EU supplement market.

Vital Insights for Manufacturers

Focus on Active Ingredients: It's the novel active ingredients in supplements that often fall under scrutiny. The EU regulation (2015/2283) defines novel foods as those not commonly consumed by humans in the Union before 1997. It highlights the importance of thorough safety assessments and obtaining approval before introducing such foods into the market.

​Safety and Market Entry: The regulation ensures consumer safety by evaluating the risks and impacts of novel foods. It requires manufacturers to provide comprehensive scientific evidence supporting product safety and claimed health benefits.

Strategic Compliance: Adhering to these regulations is not just about compliance. It's a strategic step towards gaining consumer trust and establishing a foothold in the competitive EU market.

Opportunity for Innovation: While navigating novel food regulations presents challenges, it also opens up opportunities for innovation. Manufacturers are encouraged to explore unique, scientifically backed ingredients that can set their products apart.

​How do I find out if a product is considered a novel food?

Let's Collaborate!

Are you exploring novel active ingredients for your supplements? 
At Plants2Market, we support manufacturers to the best of our knowledge. Specializing in high-quality, compliant ingredients, we're here to help you unlock the potential of your products. 

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