Trend 2024 - Supplementary feed

What's good for humans is good for pets?

Just as nutritional supplements for humans are very popular, so are supplementary feed for (pet) animals. 

And often the areas of application are even the same for humans and animals. However, we recommend checking whether the individual components are also approved for animals by the EU. 

Approval of Feed 

You can find out whether a feed ingredient is approved for animals in the EU's Food and Feed Information Portal Database by searching for the product (possibly using the botanical name). This usually also states which animals it is approved for and whether there are any restrictions on its use. 

Often, plant-based substances are listed as so-called "sensory additives" and are used to add flavor or color. Conversely, this also means that most of the ingredients should not be fed in excess. 

Feed Grad from Chem2Market

We are registered with the Hamburg Veterinary Office as a seller of animal feed and can offer you many items in food and feed quality for animals. 

Before we send you an offer for the products you want, we check whether they are approved for animals. 

Contact us with your inquiry 

Did you know?

While many creatures find valerian calming, it has the opposite effect on cats and strongly energizes them. 

Astaxanthin, the colour from the blood rain algae, is only approved as a feed additive for (certain) fish and crustaceans.

Soiurces, to find approved feed ingredients:

German Chamomile
Full power against inflammation