Coenzyme Q10

Does it really keep you Forever Young?

Most people have probably heard of Q10. It is generally known in connection with skin care products as an anti-ageing agent and antioxidant. But did you know that Q10 also plays an important role in bodily functions? 

Q10 Occurence

For one, ​Coenzyme Q10 (also known as ubiquinone, Q-10 or UQ) is absorbed with food. A higher proportion can be found in organs (especially the liver, heart and kidneys) and meat or fish, as well as in eggs and butter. However, nuts, pulses, seeds, some vegetables and some vegetable oils also contain a proportion of Q10. The coenzyme is fat-soluble and is therefore more likely to be found in fatty foods. However, Q10 is not very heat-resistant, so some of it is lost during cooking/processing.

​On the other hand, the human body is also capable of producing Q10 itself from the amino acids tyrosine and phenylalanine. 

A natural Q10 deficiency is rather rare, but can occur in chronic illnesses. Stress, smoking, obesity and disorders in the absorption of nutrients in the intestine can also lead to a Q10 deficiency 

Health benefits

Coenzyme Q10 is said to stimulate collagen formation in the skin, act as an antioxidant and wound-healing agent and improve the skin's ability to absorb moisture. This can also make the skin look younger.

​But Q10 also plays a role inside the body and is involved in the production of ATP (adenosine triphosphate) and serves as a shuttle to distribute important nutrients in the body. However, Q10 is also said to have an anti-inflammatory effect inside the body.

Studies have already shown success in relation to cardiovascular diseases and migraines.

Smaller studies have shown an increase in sports performance after taking Q10 as a dietary supplement.

​Q10 is also said to potentially provide relief for type 2 diabetes, fibromyalgia, mitochondrial disorders, Peyronie's disease and PCO syndrome. However, all of this needs to be researched further.

But can Q10 help the skin? A study in Helsinki conducted a small double-blind study. The test group that took a Q10 supplement for 12 weeks showed a significant improvement in the skin compared to the test group that received the placebo. 

Our Product

We can offer you a Q10 powder made from the bacterium Rhodobacter sphaeroides. Request your quote today and download the data sheet.

Our Q10 Powder

Q10 Datasheet

We are looking forward to your Inquiries.


For legal reasons, we would like to point out that some of the above statements require further research and studies to prove them scientifically. Therefore, not all statements can currently be recognized by conventional medicine.


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