Nutrition and vital substances during the menopause

Interview with Peggy Reichelt - licensed food coach & founder of XbyX® - Women in Balance

Peggy Reichelt, engineer, licensed food coach and founder of XbyX® - Women in Balance, talks about the changing needs of the female body during the menopause and what this means for nutrients from midlife onwards. 

What happens in the body during the menopause and when does it start?

"Let's start with the "when": much earlier than most people think! The menopause begins four to ten years before the last period with the perimenopause. For most women, this is in their early 40s. This period is characterized by wild fluctuations in hormones - the cause of many menopausal symptoms. On average, most women menstruate for the last time at the age of 52. After that, the post-menopause begins and lasts for the rest of a woman's life. 

During the menopause, the hormones in the body change. Oestrogen and progesterone drop to a permanently low level after irregular and strong fluctuations during the perimenopause. This is triggered, if you like, by the dwindling supply of eggs. The last menstrual period marks the end of female fertility, so to speak. 

The entire phase of hormonal change during the menopause can last ten to twenty years. It therefore makes sense to deal with this so that the body can be supported in the best possible way during this time.

What are typical symptoms during the menopause?

Two out of three women suffer from moderate to severe menopausal symptoms, including low energy levels, insomnia, weight gain, anxiety, brain fog, night sweats, and libido problems. And, of course, the hot flushes typically associated with the menopause. 

A Survey we conducted revealed what is problematic: women, especially younger women, have never heard of the perimenopause and are unaware that the first subtle symptoms, caused by oestrogen dominance for example, already start in their 40s. Yet 85 percent have already felt typical menopausal symptoms, almost two thirds - 65 percent - do not associate their symptoms with the menopause and 79 percent are unsure what they can do to feel better.

What role do nutrition and vital substances play in this?

Lifestyle and diet in particular have a significant influence on the improvement of symptoms, well-being and health, as hormonal fluctuations and the natural decline in oestrogen place particular demands on the female body. Numerous studies show that a diet rich in plants and fiber, such as the Mediterranean diet, reduces, resolves or even avoids many symptoms of the menopause. Plant-based proteins, fiber, healthy fats and lots of vegetables are what the body especially needs now. 

Vitamins, minerals, medicinal mushrooms, amino acids, etc., the metabolism changes, many processes require more support and some vital substances are no longer absorbed as effectively in old age. The classics are B vitamins, vitamin D, magnesium and omega-3 fats.

And since 95 percent of women prefer alternative natural therapies to hormone replacement therapy (HRT), we are turning our attention to the helpful plant extracts that Mother Nature has in store for us: Red clover, ginseng, maca, ashwagandha, lady's mantle, milk thistle - to name just a few.

Important to know: The often frowned upon menopause is an important time for women and much more than just hot flushes and the end of periods. Ideally, the prevention of typical women's diseases such as cardiovascular diseases, Alzheimer's and osteoporosis, the occurrence of which can be promoted by declining oestrogen, should start now at the latest.

How do you support women with XbyX®?

It is important that every woman understands what is going on in her own body: women get their first important insights from us in the XbyX® Check, a self-test with personalized recommendations. After that, the 30-day Body Time video-program and countless videos and guides provide further insight into topics such as nutrition during the menopause and healthy ageing.

And finally, there are our natural, innovative, herbal products, which we have developed with our team of experts based on the latest scientific findings. A wide range of solutions to alleviate the physical and emotional realities of the menopause and beyond - including "Clear Thinking", "Calm", "Peri Balance" and "Energy". 

In addition to imparting knowledge and herbal solutions, it is a personal concern of mine to finally get the menopause out of the taboo level and to convey a positive and active image of women. 

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