
Secondary plant pigments and their effect

Flavonoids are water-soluble secondary plant pigments. Up to a thousand compounds of these plant pigments are now known, which are classified into subgroups. Known flavonoids are, for example, kaempferol, quercitin, apigenin, luteolin and catechin. 

Function of flavonoids

Flavonoids are only found in those parts of the plant that grow above ground, where they perform various tasks such as protecting against UV radiation or attracting pollinators. 

In addition, some flavonoids are difficult to digest. Through this deterrent effect on some herbivores, the plants protect themselves against predators. 

Use and effect

In naturopathy, plants and herbs rich in flavonoids are mainly used against circulatory disorders, depression or allergies. They are also used in the treatment of heart and liver complaints.. 

In addition, flavonoids can have antioxidant, antibacterial, anti-inflammatory as well as antimicrobial effects.

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